[Soyez vigilant]. Recrudescence de tentatives d'usurpation de l'identité d'Eiffage et de ses filiales (utilisation de fausses adresses e-mail, sites web frauduleux, etc.). Plus de détails ici.

Smarter buildings enhancing the lives of their occupants
of their occupants

Innovative and efficient connected buildings

We provide solutions to make commercial, administrative, educational, healthcare and cultural buildings safer and more comfortable, reduce their ecological footprint and limit their energy consumption and related costs. We are committed to enhancing the everyday lives of building occupants by addressing their requirements in terms of comfort, quality and safety. Our know-how is widely acknowledged, both for new-build works and for the renovation, maintenance and operation of existing buildings.


Terceo is the Eiffage Énergie Systèmes brand devoted to the commercial property market. Terceo focuses on new-build investments, renovation works and operation and maintenance activities in the commercial sector.